How to Adjust your Priority Goals
With the app open, click on the ‘Home’ icon in the menu
You will the 4 sector goals - education, health, financial and work - ranked into Primary and Secondary Goals
Click on ‘Adjust my Goals’
To change your Primary goals, click on ‘Change Ranking’
Press and drag the goals up or down to your preferred ranking order
Click ‘Save Ranking’ to record the change
Scroll down to see the Priority Goals
Priority Goals are the goals within the 4 sectors
You can achieve Priority Goals using apps on your phone
To change your priority goals, click on ‘Change Priority’
Select the goals you want by tapping on them
You can select up to 3 Priority goals in each sector
Once you have chosen your goals, click on ‘Save Ranking’
You can repeat the process for the other sectors
Return to the Goals page to see the new and adjusted Priority Goals
You will receive tutorials to register and use apps that will help you achieve your chosen Priority Goals
It’s advisable to change Priority Goals only after you’ve achieved your previous goals
For more videos, visit the Uniti website
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